Witold Gordon: Surrealist Still Life

August 22nd – October 5th, 2018

Front Window Gallery is thrilled to present two graphite on paper works by little-known American Surrealist Witold Gordon (1885-1968). Known primarily for his murals and  illustrations for New Yorker magazine covers, Gordon also created a large body of work steeped in the Surrealist tradition. The two still lives on view are examples of how he used his masterly draftsmanship to depict a mundane situation knocked off kilter with the introduction of a subtle, yet bizarre, surrealist disruption.

Lexi Rueff: Nonsense


January 20th – March 15th, 2018

Front Window Gallery is thrilled to present two photographs by Lexi Rueff, each titled Nonsense. Taken at night, Rueff uses long exposure and jittery, haphazard movements to create sputtering images of colored light streams. The result is an energetic mash-up of neo-Abstract Expressionist gestures with a Coney Island carnivalesque whimsy.

Erik La Prade: Some Photographs

La Prade La Prade-2

November 10 – January 12, 2018

Front Window Gallery is pleased to present a selection of black and white photographs by poet Erik La Prade. These include candid portraits of art-world figures (here Christo, Chuck Close, John Baldessari, Gerard Malanga) that La Prade has continually taken throughout his career, as well as other interesting people and moments encountered on his meandering walks through New York City.

Laurent Craste: Iconocraste

Craste-1 Craste-2
Iconocraste au hache, porcelain and ax

August 14th – September 20, 2017

Front Window Gallery is thrilled to present a sculpture by Canadian ceramic artist Laurent Craste. Part of Craste’s “Abuse” series, this vase references a classic 19th century European form that has been severely compromised by the violent act of having an ax thrust into it. Craste’s darkly humorous work uses of the history and visual language of the decorative arts as a way to critique the hierarchical power structures inherent in the luxury goods market.

Eva Zeisel: Iridescence

2011-09-16-BMAZeisel_pearsJune 9 – August 13, 2017


Front Window Gallery presents porcelain vases by world-renowned ceramicists Eva Zeisel. Manufactured at the Zsolnay factory in Budapest, Hungary, these pear-shapped vases are covered in a lustrous, iridescent eosin glaze.

Karin Waskiewicz: Fate

Karin Waskiewicz
Fate, 2010; 45 x 60 inches; acrylic on panel

April 18 – May 12, 2017

Front Window Gallery is pleased to present Fate, a visually rich painting by Karin Waskiewicz.  Combining a building up and breaking down of materials, Waskiewicz cuts, gouges, and drills into multiple layers of acrylic to reveal surprising combinations of colors and forms. Equal parts sculpture and painting, Fate exudes a tactile energy reaching far beyond the boundaries of the rectangle support on which it sits. Waskiewicz wrings forth from her labor-intensive process highly suggestive and metaphorically charged imagery resembling swarms of things (birds, gnats, clouds, etc.), undulating liquid, or even a schematic of a synaptic network.


Reba Rohrer: Uncertainty

Rohrer install shot

March 3 – April 3, 2017

Front Window Gallery presents “Uncertainty,” an exhibition of two works by Reba Rohrer. In these drawings, Rohrer engages whimsy, riotous color, and a horror vacui jumbling of forms and figures to explore complicated themes such as femininity, aging, longing, love, and loss. The works are stylistically direct – taking influence from the worlds of illustration and animation – and injected with a good dose of humor and narrative wit. The viewer is rewarded with an art experience that is emotionally rich and visually stimulating.

Eric Aho: Two Landscapes

Aho-Apple Tree Aho
Above :East Side of Monadnock, 1995; Oil on canvas; 22 x 28 inches
Below: Kent’s Apple Tree, 1995; Oil on canvas; 20 x 24 inches


February 2 – March 1st, 2017

Front Window Gallery is happy to present two early works by Eric Aho. Combining painterly abstraction with plein air realism, Aho transmutes the world as seen before him into color, shape, form, and movement. The result are works that feel less like locations and more like memories, elusive yet concrete moments that simultaneously ground and transport the viewer.

Lordan Bunch: Last Picture Attempt

Lordan Bunch

Lordan Bunch

December 20, 2016 – January 20, 2017

Front Window Gallery is pleased to present three paintings from Lordan Bunch’s Last Picture series. For this body of work, Bunch repeatedly painted a portrait of the incorruptible Saint Bernadette in repose, trying to perfect the image with each subsequent attempt. Close inspection reveals subtle differences between each painting – a slightly narrower curve or barely perceptible deepening of color – showing Bunch making minor adjustments in pursuit of “the perfect painting.” The result is a beautiful and melancholic meditation on the seductive, but unattainable, notion of The Ideal.

Trevor Winkfield: Tomb

Trevor Winkfield

Trevor Winkfield

November 11 – December 16, 2016

Front Window Gallery is excited to present Trevor Winkfield’s Tomb, a tightly packed canvas depicting a raucous, modernist and pop-inflected glimpse of some delirious fever dream. Like fine-tuned marionettes, Winkfield’s shapes, colors, forms, and characters are perpetually acting out an enticing yet elusive narrative. Of Winkfield’s paintings poet John Ashbery wrote, “If all art aspires toward the condition of music as Pater writes, Trevor Winkfield must be counted among the most successful artists of all time.”